Sunday, August 24, 2008

Preparing to open my solo art exhibit

This weekend I have been hanging my show of dolls in the Chatham University Art Gallery.  I am trying to have a professional quality exhibit and there are many things to do.

The art has to be transported to the gallery, displayed and the lighting adjusted.  All the art must be labeled and priced. In some cases I have also hung interpretation notes with the work. The postcard invitations to the reception were ordered last week and they must be addressed and mailed as soon as they arrive.  The press release must be sent to the media in the hopes of getting a review of the show in the newspaper.  The poster went to the copy center last week and will be ready monday.  Next I have to order the food from the university food service for the reception.  

This show is the culmination of several years of work and I'm very excited to see it finally happening.  

1 comment:

bub said...

Good Luck with the show. Your dolls ar fantastic !
