Monday, February 14, 2011

A Pattern & an Etsy Shop

For two years I've been making small awards, ribbons and medals to celebrate the creative spirits of other artists.  To date I've primarily given these appreciations to artists that I know.  One of my 2011 goals is to "do something" with these projects.  Lately I've been working on getting them out into the world in two additional ways. I've started an Etsy shop and I've written a pattern to show how to make an award ribbon brooch.

The Etsy shop has taken a lot of time and work.  Creating the shop banner took days.  I had to work on my photography skills to have OK images of my products.  Finally I'm ready to list some items.  I'll be uploading two items a day into the shop until I have about 40 items for sale.  The shop URL is:
 The first two items to be listed are in these:

The second way that I am putting my awards out into the world is to give away a pattern for making one of them.  The pattern that I've written will be included in the free pattern booklet that Cyndy Seiving will distribute at the Artistic Figures in Cloth (AFIC) Conference in the spring.  I've been trying to publish patterns for years and have always gotten bogged down by the devil in the details.  This pattern is simple but it is finished and ready for use.  This photo is the pattern award ribbon brooch.
It feels good to have done some things that will help me reach this years goals.

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