Last year I wrote some art related goals. Let's see how I did.
- Submit 4 pieces of work for publication in magazines
- Chris Fondi, Joyce Compton and I submitted paper dolls to an Art Doll Quarterly competition. We know the package was received by the magazine but we never heard anything nor did we get our dolls back.
- I submitted a plushie to Stuffed magazine. They politely rejected my entry and returned the figure.
- I made a Momiji doll for a British competition held by Selvedge magazine. My entry was published on their website but not in the magazine. The doll itself was lost in shipping back to the US.
- I found publication success when I submitted an article about the Stockinette dolls to Art Doll Quarterly. It took all year to process but I just received the magazine and the article looks good.
- Submit work to 2 Pittsburgh juried exhibits
- I submitted photos to a Fiberarts guild exhibit instead of taking the work to the jury. I did this because the jury was held when I couldn't attend. The work was not accepted.
- This goal wasn't met. Local events are more demanding than internet and publications in terms of being at specific places at specific times.
- Have a gallery exhibit with Chris Fondi and Joyce Compton
- This did not happen. We are working on developing our portfolios and locating a venue. It is still a goal.
- Attend at least 2 events of local arts organizations
- Fiberarts guild show
- Fiberarts International
- Ellsworth Ave gallery shows
- First Friday down town
- Worked at the Etsy table at the Hand Made Arcade
- Update this blog at least three times a month
- This goal was met for most of the year. Near the end of 2011 life got demanding and I took a break. This is the first post after the hiatus. My goggle rank is much improved and I have 59 followers.
- Publish a simple free pattern online
- Goal met at the AFIC doll makers conference.
- Take professional quality photographs of 8 pieces of work
- Doree Baumgard and Tom Henkel both photographed my work. I'm now working on learning more about taking professional quality photos of my work.
- Attend Artistic Figures in Cloth conference
- I attended and won a second place ribbon in the original doll design with my Leafkicker. His feet and legs are made from axes.
- Attend or host 10 doll club events
- This goal was met. We get together most Tuesday evenings and all day one Saturday a month. We are no longer calling ourselves a "club" and now use the term "collective" because it is more accurate.
I spent time working at the Lillian St wood shop and I've begun regaining my old woodworking skills. I have to thank Beth Rogers for the opportunity.
I opened and maintained an Etsy shop to sell hand crafted buttons. This is an effort to develop a supplemental income stream in preparation for retirement. There has been a steady trickle of sales.
In summary I feel OK about what I got done last year. I also worked full time and I had significant caregiving responsibilities for an elderly family member. The best thing that I have done to get myself art time was to hire a cleaning lady. I do not have to spend precious weekend time on that!
In summary I feel OK about what I got done last year. I also worked full time and I had significant caregiving responsibilities for an elderly family member. The best thing that I have done to get myself art time was to hire a cleaning lady. I do not have to spend precious weekend time on that!
I participated in a fiberarts supply crafts fair.
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