Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Stockinetttes

The Stockinets are a series of dolls that I made to explore the range of what I could do with aluminum armature wire and stockinette knit fabric for the doll skin.  I gave myself some rules.  All the dolls had to have the similar armatures.  The "skin" of the doll had to be made from and defined by a stuffed and sewn stockinette form.  All of the dolls had to be free standing.  I gave myself complete freedom of design for the head, hair and costuming.  This project took me a year and a half.  It was SO MUCH FUN and I learned a lot.  Have a look....
Jo Ellen
Aging Rock Star
Big Hair & Mohair
Mr. Mischief


flyingbeader said...

THey are ADORABLE! Oh please bring one with you to AFIC so I can see it!


flyingbeader said...

Okay you definitely have to bring at least one of those with you to AFIC so I can see.

Oh and Fiona said you could come by & visit her when you are in C-town.