Sunday, March 11, 2012

Stockinettes Published in Art Doll Quarterly

I'm very happy that my Stockinette series of dolls has been published in a feature article in the Spring 2012 issue of Art Doll Quarterly magazine.


kay warner said...

Emily, I really enjoyed your article!

flyingbeader said...


Cody Goodin said...

Wow, Emily these absolutely total fun. Way cool. COngrats to you on the article. Is the aging rock star still in your possesion?

Jenn said...

Congrats, they are wonderful dolls. I buy this magazine whenever I can find it so I'll be on the hunt for your issue.

Karen M said...

Congratulations, Emily! Looks like a terrific article. There's a lot of personality in those dolls!

aliaslynne said...

terrific dolls and congratulations on the article. Your blog is excellent - love the links - love the Marisol link...